Director 经理
Mr. Wong Loke Yuan @ Louis Wong is one of the Directors of Smart Leisure & Travels Sdn. Bhd. Prior to his current assignment, Louis has completed his Diploma in Business Administration (Majoring in Hospitality & Tourism) from Institute Executive College Sarawak and Bachelor Degree of Commerce in International Business from Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus. He started his career as a sales representative in various field, from dealing in consumer products to finance sectors. He has truly worked in all aspect in selling world. Louis always see a bright potential and prospect in tourism industry especially in Sarawak, where a place with rich resources to offer such as nature and culture based resources which have yet to be fully explored. The growth in global tourism market provides opportunities for Sarawak to benefit from the untapped market.
Wong Loke Yuan 先生@Louis Wong 是Smart Leisure & Travels Sdn. Bhd. 的董事之一。在担任目前的职务之前,Louis 已完成砂拉越执行学院的工商管理文凭(主修酒店与旅游)以及斯威本科技大学砂拉越校区的国际商务商业学士学位。他的职业生涯始于各个领域的销售代表,从消费品交易到金融领域。他确实在销售领域的各个方面都工作过。 Louis始终看到旅游业的光明潜力和前景,尤其是砂拉越,这里拥有丰富的资源,例如尚未充分开发的自然和文化资源。全球旅游市场的增长为砂拉越提供了从尚未开发的市场中受益的机会。